Industry News: House sales significantly higher over previous year

Mortgage Solutions

Annual house sales rise 9% in September – HMRC

“House sales in September were 9% up on the previous year at 91,820 based on seasonally adjusted figures, according to property transaction data from HMRC.” Click to read original article >>>

Some positive news that reflects the increase in activity we have seen over the past year and the returning confidence from buyers acclimatising to higher interest rates:

House sales in September were 9% up on the previous year at 91,820 based on seasonally adjusted figures, according to property transaction data from HMRC.

A marginal 1% month-on-month increase was recorded, marking the first time transactions have increased on a monthly basis since May.

Non-seasonally adjusted transactions fell 9% from August, which is in line with seasonal expectations.

Picture of Author: Stuart Phillips

Author: Stuart Phillips

Fully CeMap qualified, Directly Authorised by the FCA and with over a decade of experience, Stuart has a wealth of experience in both specialist BTL and residential mortgages.

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